Valentine’s Cookies

Welcome to the Valentine’s Day Blog Hop!  If you’ve come here from Andi’s Blog, you’ve found the right place!  If not, welcome to the Hop!  Here’s the link for you to follow to the start (Amanda’s Blog), and I’ll look forward to seeing you back here when you get all caught up.

One of the traditions in my family is to make some yummy treats for Valentine’s Day.  This year was a little more challenging because my sister’s on a really restrictive diet.  Her baby’s lactose intolerant, and therefore she can’t have any dairy, because she’s nursing him.  Bless her little cotton socks.  So we had to come up with an alternate goodie for our Valentine’s Treat!

Here’s what we came up with:

They’re easy-peasy sugar cookies.  What’s brilliant about these ones (apart from the fact that they don’t have dairy) is that… because they don’t have dairy, they keep their shape!  You can use them to make cutouts that look good and sharp!  And they taste divine.

Here’s the Recipe for the Sugar Cookies:


  • 1 C Coconut Oil (you can find it in the baking aisle, right next to the other cooking oils.)
  • 1/4 C Shortening or Vegetable Oil
  • 1 1/2 C Sugar
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla
  • 3 1/2 C Flour
  • 2 Tsp Cream of Tartar
  • 1 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt


  1. Preheat oven to 325 F.
  2. Cream the margarine and add te sugar gradually.  Beat until light and fluffy.  Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.
  3. Stir in the vanilla.  Add the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt gradually to the creamed mixture, stirring in by hand.  If desired, dough can be chilled for easier cutouts.
  4. Line baking sheets with parchment paper (makes it so you can cut your cookies out on the baking sheet without moving the cutouts to keep them from deforming).
  5. Us a Tsp to drop even scoops onto the sheet, or roll dough out on a floured surface to 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick and cut into your favourite shapes.  Place cookies onto the prepared baking sheets.
  6. Bake for 6-8 minutes.

For the yummy topping, we went with a drizzle.  Again, we had to get creative to avoid the whole diary thing.  So we made the drizzle using some powdered sugar, flavour, and maybe some water to thin it down.  For the pink ones, we used peppermint and a touch of red food colouring.  I had to add extra water to make it thin enough to drizzle well.  For the white, I used lemon juice, so I didn’t have to use any extra water at all.

Enjoy your treats!  And, for your next stop on the Blog Hop, head on over to Janice’s Blog.

Finally, I’m doing a random giveaway!  If you leave me a note, you get one chance.  Become a follower (don’t forget to tell me!) and get a 2nd chance.  Put up a link to my blog (again, don’t forget to tell me!) and you get a 3rd chance!  Check back on Monday to find out whose name got pulled.  See you then!

33 thoughts on “Valentine’s Cookies

  1. Barbara says:

    They look delicious! How sweet of you to go to so much trouble to make a sweet treat for her!

  2. meplus2 says:

    Yum!! Now you’re making me hungry! We’ve got some chocolate chip cookies on the list to make today. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day!

  3. JACKIE says:

    How kind and thoughtful of you … i am sure your sister will enjoy them!

  4. Becky says:

    Thse look so yummy!!!!

  5. Carole B. says:

    Those cookies look yummy. Will have to write down the recipe & try them out.

  6. Vee says:

    I guess my treat box is on it’s way?! Yeah, just like those choc chip oreos! bahahahahaha!!

  7. Kathy DeLacy says:

    Adele – those cookies look delicious!! How sweet of you to accommodate your sister and that baby!!

    I signed up to be a follower of your blog, too!!

  8. Tina Hicks says:

    Oh These look so good! I will have to write this one down! I hope you have a happy Valentine’s Day Adele! I am now following you! See you on the CK board!

  9. Margie V says:

    The recipe looks awesome and I can’t wait to try it!

  10. Laura Mooney says:

    Mmmmmmmm, yummy! You are a nice sister.

  11. Toree says:

    MMMM, tasty treats!

  12. Laura Mooney says:

    Sign me up to follow the leader, the leader. I’m following the leader, wherever she should go.

  13. says:

    Those look yummy! Will have to go looking for some coconut oil!

  14. charlene says:

    yum! I’d suggest soy margarine for baking, but I know she’s avoiding that too! Tell her how impressed I am that she can cut all of those things out just to see if anything helps–what a great mom!

  15. Krissy says:

    Yummy!!! Bless you and your sister and your cotton socks 🙂

  16. ani says:

    those look tasty!

  17. WOW! Your cookies look delish! I’m absolutely going to try making some! It’s very sweet of you to make something special!

  18. Kelly says:

    Yum Yum! Love sugar cookies, thank you for sharing your story & recipe. You are so sweet, Adele!

  19. Suzeyq says:

    Those cookies sound divine! Does the coconut oil give the cookie a different flavor? I’ve never followed someone with a wordpress blog. Do I just fill in my email address there?? There wasn’t a follow “button” that I’ve seen on the other blogs?

    • dleebug says:

      The coconut oil is very light. It’s amazing, actually. It’s got all sorts of really good properties, including an anti-fungal that helps with yeast infections and helps eliminate candida yeast, which is the main cause of extreme exhaustion beyond what normal sleep should cure. That’s the reason we originally started using it. Pretty awesome stuff. On top of that, it’s a mono-saturate, and tastes a remarkable amount like butter. It’s lovely!

      As far as the follow thing goes, you can leave your email along the side and get an email notification when it gets updated, or you can use the subscribe button up at the top, or use the RSS feed. You can even import it into Google Reader, if that’s the way you prefer your blogs!

  20. Kathy-K2S says:

    My neighbor is on a no-dairy diet…I’ll have to share this with her. She loves sweets! Thanks Adele!
    I’ve clicked on “Subscribe to this site by email…” Does that get me a second chance? Whoa Hooo!!!

  21. Yolanda S says:

    Yummy yum! Who knew you could do so much without eggs or milk? It really is sweet of you to go to that trouble to make sure she has yummy treats for Valentines. What a sweet sis you are!
    I do believe I am already a follower…but I will double check. 🙂

  22. Connie says:

    Thanks for the recipe! I love using my creative talents in the kitchen, too!

  23. Gina says:

    Thanks so much for the recipe! Can’t wait to try these out!
    I’m already a follower of your blog.

  24. Dana says:

    They sound so good! You sure have had to get creative with cooking and baking, haven’t you? Fun, fun!

  25. photochic says:

    Ooh the cookies look so good! I love sugar cookies. I’m a follower…

  26. Mamajo says:

    Your post looks yummy! Willl have to stop cruising the blogs and go get some goodies.

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